January 28, 2016

Twitter ain't for quitter.

Most of the time, I will be on my Twitter. Expressing my thoughts, arguing with my own self for my own way of thinking. Well, hello. It's Twitter, Whether you like it or not, some people will respond to whatever you're sharing there. I repeat, it's Twitter.

From there we can easily know who agrees with our mind and who goes against it. It's another story when you're talking abouts fact up there on that social media. Facts are arguable for either it's right or it's wrong. But not opinions. There are no right or wrong for having any opinion. Either you accept it or you reject it, that's all.

Like what I'm saying right now ; "Facts are arguable for either it's right or it's wrong. But not opinions. There are no right or wrong for having any opinion. Either you accept it or you reject it, that's all."

So, do you agree with my mind or do you not?

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